Ctrl c doesn t work
Ctrl c doesn t work

ctrl c doesn t work

Just remove / comment the respective line if you like.Īnyway, I stress again that I still hope the Figma guys take notice of this thread and fix this issue for good.Copy-and-paste operations don't work when you connect to a Hyper-V virtual machine by using VMConnect Enhanced Session Mode The ^+w::return command is used to suppress the Ctrl+Shift+W shortcut which I frequently press by mistake. IMO it’s a dirty hack, but it’s working well so far. PostMessage 0x50, 0, %Lan%,, % "ahk_id " windows%A_Index% Send, ", LocaleID), "Int", 0)ĭllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, "UInt", 0, "UPtr", &Lan%LocaleID%, "UInt", SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE) SetTitleMatchMode, 2 This let's any window that partially matches the given name get activated SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Ensures a consistent starting directory. SendMode Input Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #Warn Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. Here is the code: #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Converting it to other languages is easy, just replace the lines commented with “ pt-BR” with your locale. It quickly switches to the EN-US keyboard, issues the relevant command, then goes back to PT-BR. The problem goes away after a while on its own.įor the technically-minded Windows users among you: I made an AHK script that goes around the Ctrl+At+C (and Ctrl+Shift+C) problems.

ctrl c doesn t work

Killing other apps does not help, so don’t bother recommending it unless you know some specific hidden system process that causes this. All the more strange, as adding the Shift button as a fourth key works again:Īll other applications continue handling Ctrl+Alt+ keystrokes (e.g. Strangely enough, both modifier keys (Ctrl and Alt) do work separately, even the two together, just not together with a third button. When Figma gets into this “bad mode”, Ctrl+Alt shortcuts act as if the modifier keys haven’t been pressed at all. Killing apps or reboot does not help either, so please don’t suggest those as a resolution. There is no pattern for when this happens or what triggers this and when it will return to normal. I need to switch to an English layout where they do work - as suggested by Yuval.Īfter a while the issue goes away and shortcuts start working again. From time to time Ctrl+Alt+ keyboard shortcuts stop working on a Hungarian keyboard layout (Windows). So for me it is not persistent, just happens occasionally. I will add some more details here, maybe it helps uncover the issue. Unfortunately that doesn’t solve the issue if you want to use any other layout (e.g. It is a good temporary solution, which I am forced to use whenever this happens.

Ctrl c doesn t work