Skyrim legendary edition marriage list
Skyrim legendary edition marriage list

Orla - A priestess of Dibella and therefore a highly sought after candidate for marriage. Found in Jorrvaskar, home to the Companions in Whiterun, she can be married upon completion of their questline. Njada Stonearm - This brave Companion is hard to impress. She can be married after you free the Skaal and deliver her mother’s amulet to Runil in Falkreath. Morwen - This fierce Nord can be found in the Skall village on Solstheim. You may draw the ire of her loyal companion Aerin, however. Mjoll The Lioness - You can find this brave explorer in Riften, and ask for her hand in marriage after finding her sword, Grimsever, in the Dwarven ruins of Mzinchaleft. Become Than by advancing the main story and assisting five citizens of the city. Lydia - This strong woman will accept your hand in marriage after you become Thane of Whiterun, where she can be found in your house, Breezehome. To do this, simply befriend the Jarl and help five citizens, then purchase the Manor. She is available to marry after you become Thane of Haafingar. Jordis The Sword Maiden - This proud housecarl can be found in Solitude’s Proudspire Manor. You can do this by helping the good citizens of Riften and stopping an illegal Skooma operation, narc.

skyrim legendary edition marriage list skyrim legendary edition marriage list

Iona - If you want to marry this loyal housecarl, found in Honeyside in RIften, you must first become Thane of the Rift. You can find her in Bujold’s Retreat or Thirsk Mead Hall, and will marry you once you bring her 50 Riekling spears.

skyrim legendary edition marriage list

Hilund - Don’t let her horned helmet fool you, she can still be wooed. She can be married after you deliver some ale for her or sell her firewood. To make her eligible for marriage, you first have to complete the Companions’ Guild questline.Īeri - This hardworking Nord can be found at her mill, Anga’s Mill in the Pale. The Divines have blessed a total of 30 female marriage candidates and 37 male marriage candidates in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and official expansions.Aela The Huntress - This fierce Nord warrior can be found in Jorrvaskr, home to the Companions in Whiterun. Skyrim spouses: The good, the bad and the ugly. If you're a male Nord, you could marry a male Orc if you wish! How many wives are in Skyrim? In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race. You can marry anyone regardless of your Dragonborn’s race or gender, so long as you’ve fulfilled whatever conditions make them your friend. The Divines have blessed a total of 30 female marriage candidates and 37 male marriage candidates in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and official expansions.

skyrim legendary edition marriage list

Capable of reaching up to level 50, you can obtain Aela as a follower early on in your adventures and she’ll follow you through the rest of them. Not only the best wife, Aela the Huntress is among the best followers in the entirety of Skyrim. Frequently Asked Questions Who are the best wives in Skyrim?

Skyrim legendary edition marriage list